10 Major Plot Predictions For Captain Marvel

5. The Film Will Begin With Infinity War's Post-Credits Scene

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Marvel Studios

Although there was a time where Marvel's post-credits sequences were unique to each film, since Ant-Man, there has been a trend where scenes from future Marvel projects serve as the final tease. The aforementioned ant-sized thriller included a sequence from Captain America: Civil War as its sole tease, and Doctor Strange went further with a look into Thor: Ragnarok. With Infinity War's post-credits sequence having also teased Captain Marvel, it's likely that it too will feature in the film at some point.

The scene in question, which shows the on-the-ground effects of Thanos' snap, is remarkably effective, and illustrates Maria Hill and Nick Fury's final moments before they die. Before Fury is claimed by the snap however (addressing it in the most nonchalant way possible, with an iconic use of "mother******" ), he reaches for a pager in the boot of his car. It's outfitted with all kinds of communication equipment, and as the camera closes in on the device in question, Captain Marvel's unmistakable logo appears before everything finally fades to black.

Instead of that fade, however, it could be the case that the scene is used to transition into the film's touted nineties setting. Doing so would imbue Captain Marvel with a renewed sense of urgency, emphasising the part the character will come to play before formal introductions are made.

Non-linear storytelling can be a formidable tool in the right hands, and with Avengers 4 looming over the rest of the MCU as things currently stand, don't be surprised to see the film address it right from the very get-go.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.