10 Major Resolutions For DC Movies In 2017

7. Lighten Up

Batman Meet The Family
Warner Bros.

We've already seen some flashes of it in Justice League's footage, but Warner Bros need to start lightening up the tone of their movies to fit the popcorn label that they're seeking. That doesn't at all mean they have to surrender important issues or weightier themes, it just means there should be more of a comic book feel to things.

For a while now, the studio and its new film-makers have assured everyone that they're making fun films, that they're going to shock everyone with just who funny they can be and that really needs to be followed through on. You don't have to be frowning and hammered relentlessly with slow motion, booming soundtracks and grungey colours to know you're watching a film made for adults. And nor do you have to go full cartoon to make a comic book movie: find the right balance, welcome in the fun factor (and convince the fans it's not a dirty Marvel word) and reap the benefits.

And on a similar theme, can we have a palette of colours that actually has some range? Wonder Woman looks gorgeous and vibrant - that should be the model for how to progress, not the perpetual murk of forever winter that seems to cast over the other movies.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.