10 Major Resolutions For DC Movies In 2017
4. Drop The "No Bat Family" Rule

It's about time Batman got his buddies back. For too long he's been moping around as a lone star, grumpily breaking personal relationships to commit to his shtick while Alfred worries about his ability to even love again. It's all terribly fraught and boring now, so someone needs to give him some side-kicks and co-workers. It doesn't even need to be Robin really, though that should have happened again by now.
You might think that the appearance of Robin's costume in Batman v Superman (and thus the suggestion that he once existed in this universe) is enough of a nod to the Bat Family, but it's precisely the opposite of a celebration of their existence. In introducing that costume without establishing backstory at all or tying it to a bigger narrative reveal turned the suit and Robin's murder into a gimmick. It was a stunt that meant precisely nothing and limited the opportunity to bring him in in future. DC fans should be mad about that.
So let's invite the family back together. It's been Bruce and Alfred alone for way too long, and introducing a Nightwing, or a Red Robin or Huntress or even Azrael would not only flesh out the character dynamics, but would also give Warner Bros the chance to spin off. And that spells money.