10 Marvel Characters Patrick Wilson Could Be In Ant-Man

6. Bullseye

There's an abundance of superhero characters Patrick Wilson could play, but, besides Tom Hiddleston's Loki, there aren't enough high profile villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And who could be a viable challenge to Ant-Man? He's had some of the cheesiest villains ever like Egg-Head, who just won't make it to the screen because €“ they just won't (Egg-Head?!). So, having recently reacquired the Daredevil rights which included Bullseye, Marvel might want to put in a scary, challenging villain in their latest movie to take on Ant-Man, and who better than a guy who can cut the wings off a fly at a distance with a pin? Michael Pena has also been cast in an unnamed role and it's hinted that he might be the main antagonist, but he just doesn't look scary enough. Patrick Wilson may have leading man good looks but he could be a charmingly evil villain too, bolstering the ranks of re-occurring Marvel villains with name actors.

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