10 Marvel Characters That Should Be Made Female In The Movies

8. Hulk

According to Mark Ruffalo, rights issues with Universal Pictures are what's holding Marvel back from making a Hulk movie. Do they also mean a She-Hulk movie isn't possible? If not, this needs to be one of Marvel's Phase 4 releases. The cousin of Bruce Banner, Jennifer Walters was saved by a blood transfusion which also transformed her into the She-Hulk. However, the big difference is that she keeps her intelligence when the switch is made and can control when it happens. Throw in the fact that she's a lawyer, and the stories Marvel could tell with She-Hulk are clearly vastly more interesting than those of her cousin. Even if this ends up somewhere like Netflix rather than on the big screen (which would actually be a massive waste), She-Hulk is a character who deserves the spotlight. Seeing her line up with The Avengers instead of the Incredible Hulk would actually be no bad thing.

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