Drax the Destroyer was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy, played by WWE superstar Dave Bautista, while Thanos has been around since his first appearance in the mid-credits scene of the Avengers movie and is now an established character played by Josh Brolin. In the comic books, Drax was specifically created to kill Thanos and, in the movie, after Ronan was disposed of in Guardians of the Galaxy, he suggested that Thanos is his next target. Thanos is set to wield the Infinity Gauntlet in the third Avengers movie and, if rumours are to be believed, Drax - who has spent his recent years rampaging across the galaxy seeking to avenge the death of his family - will be in the movie. Could he be coming to Earth to land the killing blow on Thanos? It would be awesome to see him tear the Mad Titan's heart out like he did in the comics (though whether or not that will be the method of killing him in a child-friendly movie is open to debate). Drax killing Thanos and finally getting rid of him from the Marvel Cinematic Universe will signal the end of an era and will likely form a path for a whole new bunch of heroes and villains to be introduced. It would be epic. So there you have it - ten awesome cosmic moments we'd love to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Did you enjoy this article? Do you agree with the entries on this list? Which other cosmic moments would be awesome to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!