10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

5. Heimdall Has The Soul Stone

Marvel Studios

Only one of the Infinity Stones remains unaccounted for in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and some fans are betting it's been under our noses the whole time.

The Soul Stone is the elusive gem and one interesting fan theory suggests Thor's ally Heimdall is the man in possession of it.

There's a stack of evidence to support this claim, from the Asgardian's fiery orange eyes (the same colour as the gem), to the fact he can see "10 trillion souls" from his vantage point in the Norse realm.

If that isn't enough for you, subscribers to this school of thought also point to the orange gem on the front of Heimdall's armour in The Dark World as further proof.

Some of the evidence behind this theory is indeed compelling, but there's a massive tick in the against box, since it seems unlikely Asgard is playing host to two Infinity Stones. The Space Stone is locked up in Odin's vault, remember?

The whole reason the Asgardians handed the Reality Stone over to The Collector was to keep the gems apart.

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