10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

4. Nick Fury Has A Superpower

Marvel Studios

Nick Fury is a master strategist and always seems to be the man with the plan, but some believe there's more to the Shield agent than meets the eye (no pun intended).

Ever noticed how Fury always seems to be one step ahead of the game? He assembles a team of superheroes just in time for an alien invasion, launches a resurrection programme before one of his agents snuffs it, and appears to have detailed info on the Ultron situation, despite having left Shield by that point.

According to some fan theorists, there's more than at play than just good intel here. Fury apparently possesses precognition, psychic abilities that help him play the right card every time.

This begs the question of why old Nick would keep his powers to himself. Perhaps his first-hand experience of how society occasionally treats superheroes has stopped him from coming forward all these years?

His alleged clairvoyance clearly failed him during that scrape where he lost his left eye, but this is a theory to ponder during repeat viewings of the earlier Marvel Cinematic Universe films.

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