10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

3. Ant-Man Is In Every MCU Movie


The beauty of this Ant-Man theory is that nobody short of Marvel can disprove it.

The argument goes that a version of the shrinking hero has been battling alongside his fellow Avengers in virtually every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie so far.

Ant-Man's solo debut revealed that Scott Lang inherited the insect mantle in the wake of Age of Ultron but Reddit user The_Last_Castoff points out that there's no reason Hank Pym couldn't have been dabbling in pint-sized heroics before that.

Pym might not be the biggest Stark fan in the MCU, but when the world is in peril, he's the kind of guy who would put petty rivalries aside and fight for the greater good.

So could Ant-Man have been battling the Chitauri and Ultron unseen? Unless Marvel explicitly states otherwise, the fans are free to believe this to their heart's content.

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