10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Theories Better Than What's In The Movies

8. The X-Men Are Already In The MCU

avengers fantastic 4
Marvel Comics

In the comics, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were mutants, and the prevailing theory for years now has been that the Mind Stone simply switched on the X-Gene that was already inside them.

Now, with Eternals set to put the spotlight on the Celestials (the creators of the gene that creates mutants), we could be about to learn where they came from.

The question is, if the X-Gene has been around for thousands of years, why haven't we seen the X-Men before now? Well, remember what Rocket said about the Snap creating a wave of energy that spread across the entire universe?

There were two more of them after that, so any one of them could have woken up that dormant gene in thousands of people.

This theory posits that in the five years between Infinity War and Endgame, Professor X secretly assembled his team, and they're now waiting in the shadows, ready to face a world that will likely hate and fear superheroes "created" by the Infinity Stones.

This goes a long way in addressing what will otherwise be a potentially massive plot hole in regards to their activity so far, too.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.