10 Marvel Heroes That Could Join The Avengers After Infinity War
8. Winter Soldier (As Captain America)
This is something that's been building up ever since Bucky's return as the Winter Soldier in the first Captain America sequel, and with Infinity War promising a high bodycount, it could be that Sebastian Stan is poised to take a lead role in The Avengers going forward.
Steve Rogers is, of course, the most likely of candidates to fall victim to Thanos in Infinity War (although Tony Stark might be up there too), and given Chris Evans' previous comments hinting at a directorial role in future Cap films going forward - along with Stan's contract surpassing Evans' own in terms of billed appearances - it's obvious that Steve isn't long for this world.
It's sad, yes - given how brilliantly Evans embodies the role on and off the screen - but Bucky cap is an exciting prospect to entertain. Ed Brubaker's seminal stint on Cap intimates as such, and, keeping in the theme of Bucky's redemption, inheriting the mantle from Steve would wrap that arc up neatly and fittingly.
He might not be leader material, but expect Stan's Cap to take a prominent role once Thanos has been kicked to the curb.