10 Marvel Movie Mistakes DC Will Undoubtedly Repeat

3. Overuse Of One Villain

Marvel's Cinematic Universe has overused Loki - there, we said it. Tom Hiddleston has been great, but he's been the prime antagonist in two movies and then appeared as something of an ally to Thor in Thor: The Dark World (before revealing his true colours at the end), and he's probably going to appear again - and, frankly, it's getting a bit much. Expect the exact same thing to happen regarding Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. Eisenberg's casting has been slammed, but the likelihood is he will come out of his performance as the bald baddie and be considered the best thing since sliced bread. As a result, he will recur over and over again in future movies - you can bet your mortgage on that. There are so many awesome villains to pick from in the DC universe that it will be a shame when that happens, but it definitely will.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.