10 Marvel Superheroes For Phase 4 (And Who Should Play Them)

8. She-Hulk - Alexandra Daddario

With Marvel finally increasing their plans for the Hulk (they€™ve given him a role in Thor: Ragnarok to tide us over until his next Avengers appearance), there€™s a chance that they could be looking to branch out into other areas of the big green angry family. One way they could go is to introduce She-Hulk - AKA Jennifer Walters €“ a cousin to Bruce Banner who inherits a milder version of his Hulk condition after an emergency blood transfusion between the two of them. Although she initially only suffered the usual temporary transformations, Jennifer€™s green, beefed-up appearance eventually became permanent. Unlike the Hulk, she always retained her intelligence, and continued to work as a lawyer when she wasn€™t out beating up bad guys. She could hold a standalone film or fight alongside her cousin in some kind of team-up flick. Alexandra Daddario €“ of Mad Men and San Andreas €“ seems like an uncanny match for both the caring lawyer Jennifer and the badass hero she becomes (though, obviously, CGI would be needed for that bit). She€™s due a hefty cinematic role, and this could be it.
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Film & TV journo. Quite tall.