10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

8. The Leader

The Leader is Samuel Sterns - an eccentric cellular biologist and Grayburn College professor who was, initially, helping Bruce Banner to find a cure for his Hulk predicament. However, it came to light that he had been experimenting with Banner's blood without Banner knowing - using it on animal test subjects to see if he could harness its power. After witnessing Banner himself go through the transformation in to the Hulk, his fascination with that power seemed to increase and, after having been responsible for injecting Emil Blonsky - who had already received a double dose of the super soldier serum - with some of the blood, the resulting melee saw some of Banner's blood drip in to an open wound on Sterns' head, causing a mutation to occur. He was later seen in the Avengers prelude comic, when he was found by Black Widow and shown to have mutated further, having developed mind-reading powers and turned a pale shade of green. She shot him and arrested him and he is now in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. This imprisonment, combined with his mutation potentially driving him wild, could be the impetus for pent up rage to force its way out. He could then become the target of whoever brings a Masters of Evil team together, giving them a telepath to add to their ranks (one who would be even more useful should further mutation give him the power to control minds too).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.