10 Massive Movie Franchises With No Interesting Characters

7. Taken

Resident Evil 2002
20th Century Fox

Look, nobody went to see the Taken movies for any other reason than watching Liam Neeson punch an endless stream of Eastern European bad guys in the throat, but when the main character wasn't utilizing his particular skills he was actually a very boring man with an even more questionable American accent.

The franchise earned almost $930m at the box office, but could you even name three people that appeared in either the original or sequels that wasn't Bryan Mills, his daughter Kim or ex-wife Lenore? Shame on you if you didn't even notice that supporting player Bernie Harris was played by a different actor in each installment.

It wasn't a coincidence that after Taken's breakout success the novelty quickly wore off, and it didn't help matters that the leading man was surrounded by folks that may as well have been replaced by cardboard cutouts, ones that would have brought just as much to the table.

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Resident Evil
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