10 Massive X-Men Villains That Could Follow Apocalypse

1. Mr. Sinister

He might look ridiculous, but with Apocalypse now in use, Mr. Sinister has become the most significant X-Men villain to have not appeared on film yet. This geneticist has near immortality and super strength, and when he€™s not obsessing over mutant genetics, he€™s often out causing trouble for the X-Men. To put in perspective what type of a character Sinister is, his first ever act in the comics was to call for his Marauders to wipe out an entire clan of lower class mutants called the Morlocks. Beyond that, he has ties to Apocalypse - that€™s how he got his power - making him a logical next step for the franchise. He might be a little too similar to Sebastian Shaw but their goals are so different and their looks so disparate that this may only be apparent to a few. The rumour at the moment is that he€™s going to be the villain in Gambit. But until that happens, he still looks like the best bet for the next X-Men film. Would you be happy with any of these characters? Which X-Men villains would you like to see? Let us know in the comments.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.