10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet)

4. Clea Needs Doctor Strange's Help - Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness

Spider Man No Way Home Venom
Marvel Studios

Another spot of stunt casting now that left audiences more baffled than excited, with Charlize Theron's shock cameo in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' mid-credits scene.

In the scene, Doctor Strange is walking down the street when he's approached by the sorceress Clea (Theron), who informs him that his actions throughout the film have caused an incursion, and that she needs his help to fix it.

At that moment, Strange forms a third eye on his forehead and the pair head off to resolve the issue.

As awesome as it should be to see an actress of Charlize Theron's caliber join the MCU, is there much confidence that anything will ever actually be done with her?

Sure, it's only been a year since the Doctor Strange sequel came out, but would it shock anyone if this never actually amounted to anything at all due to scheduling conflicts or the writers simply not finding a place for Clea in the MCU's ongoing story?

The most likely outcome for Clea's return will be in a third Doctor Strange movie, but given that the threequel hasn't yet been officially announced, that's almost certainly many years away.

Theron recently stated that she doesn't know for sure whether the cameo will transpire into a major role, and if it doesn't, fans will presumably just be left to assume that Strange and Clea fixed the incursion off-screen, which would suck.

Even if Theron doesn't play a major role in Doctor Strange 3, it'd be nice to see this plot thread addressed at the start of the potential sequel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.