10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet)

3. Dane Whitman Receives The Ebony Blade - Eternals

Spider Man No Way Home Venom
Marvel Studios

Eternals strikes again, this time with the post-credits scene in which Dane Whitman (Kit Harrington) opens a case containing the Ebony Blade - the signature weapon of his superhero alter-ego from the comics, Black Knight.

But before Whitman can touch the weapon, he hears a voice behind him, which says, "Are you sure you're ready for that, Mr. Whitman?" And given that the voice belongs to Mahershala Ali, it's clear that Whitman was evidently crossing paths with the MCU's iteration of Blade.

Though Eternals 2 likely isn't happening, Whitman has a chance of showing up in the upcoming Blade movie, where we may see him wield the Ebony Sword for the first time as he begins his journey to become Black Knight.

Yet with production imminently set to begin on Blade for a late 2024 release, Kit Harrington still hasn't been announced among the cast, and with a recent report claiming that Whitman's role has either been severely reduced or scrapped entirely during rewrites, it's looking a lot less certain.

Basically, don't be surprised if Black Knight is another teased hero who never actually comes to pass in the MCU.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.