10 MCU Movies Blatantly Inspired By Other Movies

6. Iron Man/40's Comedies

Captain Marvel Top Gun
Marvel Studios

There's a lot that went into the creation of Iron Man originally, and especially when it came time to give the good Mr. Stark his own movie. Besides the obvious Randian influence - which we'd go more into if Randian philosophy didn't make my eyes roll out of their sockets - as well as the influence of the time of his creation, both the comic and the movies.

Both the comic and film went in with the same guiding principle: take someone that most moviegoing audiences would absolutely despise, then spend the whole movie making us root for him. And few genres of film did this better than the 1940's screwball comedies.

Go on, watch movies like His Girl Friday or Arsenic And Old Lace and tell us you don't see Tony and Pepper, at least a little bit. Their banter is classic romcom, and the antics of Tony in the first movie are incredibly similar in tone and style to the great black and white comedies.

It isn't just being blatantly inspired by one movie, but rather a whole style of filmmaking from an entire era of the craft.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?