10 MCU Plot Points Marvel Has Completely Abandoned
3. The Nova Corps
The Nova Corps were a huge part of the first Guardians Of The Galaxy, with their fleet of ships helping defend the planet Xandar from an attack by Ronan The Accuser, and their leader, Nova Prime, helping secure The Power Stone in a vault.
In fact, the Nova Corps were so important that James Gunn cast the esteemed Glenn Close as Nova Prime, and featured the cosmic police force consistently throughout his movie.
But when Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 came out earlier this year, it seemed like the Corps had been forgotten.
Nova Prime was nowhere to be seen, and even though the Guardians grew quite fond of several members of the Corps (including John C. Reilly's Rhomann Dey) they didn't once mention their former allies.
This could be dismissed were it not for the fact that the Corps is in possession of an Infinity Stone, making them a hugely important part of the MCU and giving them a direct link with its main baddie, Thanos.
Gamora knows how powerful Thanos is so the fact that she never mentioned the stone - or suggested that the Guardians check the Corps still has it secured - is strange.
In truth, we'll probably see more of the Nova Corps in Infinity War, but their absence, blatant as it was, could be felt in Guardians Vol. 2.