10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

1. "Hello Peter" - Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spider-Man No Way Home
Sony Pictures Releasing

In the late 2000s, after the lukewarm reception to Spider-Man 3 and disagreements with director Sam Raimi, Sony canceled the Tobey Maguire series of Spider-Man films and rebooted them with Andrew Garfield. Only to have that series canceled as well.

For a long time, the stories for both characters seemed unfinished, and it looked unlikely that we would ever get a proper conclusion. But then the trailer for No Way Home dropped.

Everything about the film seemed spectacular, the concept was compelling, and Tom Holland was great as always. However, something happened that made fans' jaws drop at the end. Alfred Molina, in his Doctor Octopus outfit, staring down at Spider-Man as he utters the now iconic phrase:

“Hello Peter.”

People lost their minds. This was huge; it introduced the possibility of previous Spider-Men coming back and finishing their story arcs, something that would be a victory for Spider-Man fans worldwide.

Fans speculated, made memes, slept restless nights wondering if Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were actually in the movie.

It’s this moment that marked No Way Home as the most anticipated Marvel movie since Endgame and defined everything that the film would grow to be.

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