10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

2. Professor X - Doctor Strange: Multiverse Of Madness

Spider-Man No Way Home

Spider-Man No Way Home has become one of the most successful and exciting movies ever made. It grew a newfound interest in the MCU with the inclusion of the multiverse and the addition of previously considered dead franchises. This is why the excitement for the unofficial sequel with Doctor Strange cannot be underestimated.

People expect everything out of this film. With the proper introduction of the multiverse, anything could happen. From Tom Cruise as Iron Man to John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic. But once the trailer dropped during the Super Bowl, everything changed.

In a small frame, we can see the back of someone’s head. Someone who’s heavily implied to be Patrick Stewart reprising his role as Professor X from the X-Men movies while sitting in the council of what could very well be the Marvel Illuminati.

And just like that, everyone lost their minds.

The X-Men could finally be joining the MCU; the Illuminati could be making their debut. The infinite possibilities of what this one moment could mean have spawned a massive array of speculation. And with the film coming out in a few months, all we can do is continue to speculate.


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