10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

4. Avengers Together - Avengers: Endgame

Spider-Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

Everything was hopeless after Thanos snapped half the universe away. All fans worldwide could do is wait for an entire year while the finale to this saga released.

And once the trailer finally hit, the excitement couldn’t be underestimated.

The entire thing was subtle—most of the trailer comprised scenes from Infinity War with very few plot details. Marvel was planning for any plot details to be closely guarded behind closed doors.

But one scene gave people hope for earth's future: the Avengers walking in unison. It was a simple scene that was somewhat hard to understand out of context. But everyone knew it meant something significant. It meant that the Avengers could still somehow make it out of this situation.

For a moment, the Avengers were defeated, but here they were standing back up, ready to fight again. It’s an empowering moment that got people extremely excited for what the film could be and what it could mean for the world of Marvel and cinema as a whole.


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