10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

3. Spider-Man Reveal - Captain America: Civil War

Spider-Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

After the massive success of the MCU, starting with Iron Man, fans were clamoring to see many of their favorite heroes on the new franchise. But that seemed improbable as Marvel had sold the film rights to many of their best heroes to other companies in the late 90s and early 2000s.

At the time, Spider-Man was owned by Sony and was struggling financially and critically with The Amazing Spider-Man series. And yet, nobody expected Sony to take out the web-crawler from their current universe, but all changed with Civil War.

Adapting one of the most iconic storylines from the comics, Civil War promised to be something big. The whole trailer was large and dramatic, focusing on the struggle between Tony Stark and Captain America.

But the moment that made everyone collectively scream was the end as Spider-Man swoops in, steals Cap’s shield, and takes on his iconic pose. The music was impactful; his slow reveal was nerve-racking, and everything culminated in two words that perfectly represented the character: "hey everyone."

Fans worldwide lost their minds upon seeing this and almost refused to believe that a moment like this could even be possible. And yet, it was all real, and excitement for the film couldn’t have been higher.


My second biggest passion in life is writing. The first is Kingdom Hearts. I'm also a fan of all things video games and anime. With some comic books on the side. If you want to see some of my other stuff, check out my blog: thelechuga.com