10 Meta Horror Movies That Deserve More Attention

5. Waxwork

The Final Girls
Vestron Pictures

In Waxwork, college students attend the midnight showing of a wax museum. Little do they know that each wax set harbours a portal to a pocket dimension filled with mummies, vampires, and werewolves. Anyone who's killed in these realms is absorbed into the museum, transforming them into wax models. When one student, Mark, realises the horrors that lie in this museum, he tries to warn everybody before it's too late.

Despite its shoestring budget, Waxwork boasts some mind-blowing practical effects and innovative kills. It perfectly blends horror, comedy, and action in a way so viewers never know what to expect next.

However, Waxwork shines best, when it plays around with the horror conventions. Because the museum contains "the 18 most evil beings," it's fun to try and spot all the classic movie monsters, including Audrey II, The Invisible Man, the Golem, and Rosemary's Baby.

It's also clever how the scenes are styled differently, depending on which film is being referenced. When Mark is transported to the zombie world, he finds himself in a black-and-white film, as a nod to Night of the Living Dead.

Waxwork tanked at the box-office, which is a massive shame, since it's an absolute treat for classic horror fans.


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