10 Mind-Bending Horror Movies That Will Melt Your Brain

7. Beyond The Black Rainbow (2010)

Daniel Isn't Real
Magnet Releasing

The science fiction and horror mediums pair together like wine and cheese. Seeing the terror of what technology can produce is a major staple of sci-fi, and this movie really delves into what it can do to your head. Spoiler alert: it isn't pretty.

Beyond the Black Rainbow is a sci-fi horror set in the 1980s. It tells the story of a deranged doctor who works in a new-age scientific research facility and the telepathic woman he holds captive there. His actions grow increasingly erratic as she attempts to escape her confinement.

There's a palpable sense of surrealism to the flick. This is thanks to the visuals, which have a hypnotic/nostalgic '80s sci-fi pastiche mixed with moments of visceral violence to jolt your system. Something that also makes Beyond the Black Rainbow feel like a trance is the deliberately slow pacing that keeps you glued to the screen before shocking you with bizarre, surreal imagery.

The movie's plot goes in unexpected directions, with a deliberately subversive ending to mess with your expectations. You'll find it hard to know what's coming next and will constantly question everything you see.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!