10 Mind-Bending Horror Movies That Will Melt Your Brain

6. Last Night In Soho (2021)

Daniel Isn't Real
Focus Features

Edgar Wright is a filmmaker known for creating some mind-blowingly fun movies. Titles like Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Baby Driver, and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World have given Wright a legacy of pure entertainment. But he's just as good at freaking you out as giving you a fun time.

Last Night in Soho, the latest flick from the acclaimed director, follows a young girl who moves to London to study fashion. However, her life is thrown into disarray as she is sporadically transported back to the 1960s and observes the life of a singer named Sandie. The past soon begins to fracture into the present, leading to a mind-melding thriller.

This film has a visual flair that's impossible to look away from, as even simple dialogue scenes feel well-crafted and thought out, with the larger moments (like musical numbers and violent showdowns) doing the same.

Last Night in Soho is also a picture that plays with your expectations and constantly keeps you guessing. You'll be thinking to yourself that you've finally got everything figured out, only for the rug to be pulled from beneath your feet. It's littered with plot twists and revelations, which only add to the scares.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!