10 Minor Characters Who Would've Broken Star Wars

5. Biggs Darklighter

Biggs Star Wars

At a glance, the only thing that sets Biggs apart from any of the countless unnamed Rebel troopers is his childhood friendship with Luke Skywalker. In A New Hope, we meet Biggs just minutes before his death, making him all-too forgettable.

But Biggs Darklighter is far more important to Luke's arc than his short screentime would suggest.

Growing up, Biggs was Luke's best friend. When he left to join the Rebellion, Luke was jealous that his friend was getting out among the stars while he was stuck farming moisture with his Uncle Owen.

In fact, in a deleted scene from A New Hope, Biggs tells Luke of his plans to join the Rebellion, and says that if he ever makes it off of Tatooine, that he'll put in a good word for him.

That's exactly what happens, with Biggs vouching for Luke's skill as a pilot to the Rebels - something which leads to Luke's inclusion in the attack on the Death Star.

If Biggs hadn't recommended Luke, it's not a stretch to think that the Rebel's attack would have failed, resulting in a much darker path for the original trilogy to walk.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.