10 Minor Film Characters Whose Lives Were Probably Ruined Forever

1. Floyd - True Romance

Floyd marks one of Brad Pitt's earliest roles, back at a time when movie producers thought the most appropriate character for the actor to play was that of a "stoned hippie." When criminals Clarence and Alabama hook up with Clarence's old buddy Dick in Los Angeles so they can set-up a coke deal, Floyd is introduced as Ritchie's grungey roommate. Floyd is a highlight in a movie full of 'em, and is most remembered for his delirious, hazy banter, whereupon Pitt spouts memorable lines like: "Hey, get some beer... and some cleaning products." When gangsters come looking for Clarence and Alabama, Floyd accidently - and innocently - tells them the name of the hotel where the couple are staying. Floyd manages to avoid death at this point, but after the resulting shoot-out at the end of the movie - after which Clarence and Alabama flee - his fate is left hanging. Now think about it: Dick, who manages to survive the gun battle, probably went back to his apartment to gather up his things and go into hiding. Why? Well, remember that the head gangster, Vincenzo Coccotti (Christopher Walken), is still alive. Assuming Dick did go back to the apartment, then, he presumably took Floyd with him into hiding (which won't bode well for Floyd, of course, as it involves moving). More likely, though, is that Dick fled Los Angeles straight away - he'd have presumably figured out that the gangsters knew where he lived by now, leaving Floyd stranded. From what we see of Floyd, he relies on Dick to look after him entirely: all the guy does is sit around smoking pot and watching television. He's a total slacker. The definition of "slacker," even. He needs Dick to survive. But what happens when Coccotti and his remaining men come back to Dick's apartment to figure out what went down at the hotel? Isn't it possible they'd torture and maim Floyd in order to track down Clarence and Alabama? And even if that didn't happen, without Dick to pay the rent, Floyd would presumably find himself evicted and thrown out on the street, whereupon - with no job - he'd join the ranks of the homeless. Then again, that might well have proven to be the perfect life for someone like Floyd. As long as there's a "bowl" to smoke, that is. Like this article? Got any to add? Let us know in the comments section below.

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