10 Minor Star Wars Characters Who Suffered Horrific Fates

7. Jar Jar Binks - Aftermath: Empire's End

Bib Fortuna Legends

Though the source of comic relief known as Jar Jar Binks may have started out life in the Star Wars franchise as a fairly important supporting character, the horrible response to the groundbreaking CG character played by Ahmed Best soon resulted in the Gungan's role becoming a minor one throughout the rest of the prequel trilogy.

And while Binks did at least make it out of those movies alive, the fate he eventually suffered in the time post-Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was undeniably tragic.

Exiled by those on his homeworld of Naboo for his part in the fall of the Republic, Chuck Wendig's Aftermath: Empire's End novel revealed that Jar Jar ultimately ended up becoming a street performer in the time that followed the Battle of Endor, entertaining kids but not exactly putting a smile on adults' faces (via Mashable). 

Sound familiar?

After going through the pain of watching a number of his pals fall during the Clone Wars, and dealing with all of the guilt that must have come with being the person responsible for granting the eventual Emperor emergency powers, getting painfully shunned by his own people and clowning around for the rest of his days feels like an especially cruel fate.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...