10 Minor Star Wars Characters Who Suffered Horrific Fates

6. Malakili - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

Bib Fortuna Legends

Returning to the various folks found wandering around Jabba's palace during the Skywalker Saga, few will ever forget the first time they witnessed poor ol' Malakili's heart break in two.

Also known as the topless creature caretaker in charge of looking after the giant rancor seen clashing with Luke Skywalker early on in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, the death of that very monster was one of the most surprisingly emotional moments of the original trilogy.

Who ever thought they'd find themselves being moved after the slaying of such a terrifying beast by the supposed hero of the story?

But this wasn't just a random animal Malakili was looking after. This rancor went by the name of Pateesa, with the animal-loving soul even planning to escape with his pal in the future. His sudden death within Jabba's palace had an understandably devastating impact on the guy.

Malakili even thought about suicide in the wake of this tragic moment in his life. 

Sure, he'd eventually go on to open a restaurant in the years that followed Pateesa's demise, but it's clear that a little piece of Malakili died, too, during that plan to save Han Solo.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...