10 Missed Opportunities In Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. Whiplash - Iron Man 2

Whiplash When Mickey Rourke was cast in the role of Iron Man 2's primary villain, Whiplash, I was, like many others, extremely excited. A world-class actor who has just returned to the top starring in a superhero movie? There's no way this can't be good...except for the fact that, though Rourke clearly gives a devoted performance, he's just not given enough to do throughout, and is a depressingly one-dimensional villain with incredibly simplistic motivations. Oddly, the Whiplash we see here seems more like a mixture of his comic book namesake and Crimson Dynamo, given that the movie Whiplash's father is named Anton Vanko (which was the comic book name of the very first Dynamo), and at the end of the final battle, Whiplash appears in a large armoured suit not too dissimilar to Crimson Dynamo. Hell, even Jon Favreau said this himself, and the feeling here is that if you're not going to adapt a comic book character properly, why even bother?

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.