10 Mistakes Marvel Need To Avoid With Black Widow

6. The Villain

Black Widow No Origin

The Mistake: Even the most die hard "Marvel Zombies" will admit, the MCU has an issue when it comes to their villains.

We can all point at Loki as a paramount, but after that it gets harder to name a memorable and effective bad guy. Too many of these antagonists are just mirrored versions of our heroes and mere plot obstacles rather than real threats. Going forward, Marvel really needs to focus on giving audiences well-rounded villains with clear motivations.

The Solution: One way to achieve this is make the battle personal. Captain America: Civil War proved a film can be extremely compelling when its centred around a personal conflict. This is the approach the Black Widow film should take as well.

By sending Natasha back to Russia, it only makes sense that she would find herself facing off with people from her past. In the comics, Black Widow was often partnered with a fellow KGB agent, Boris Turgenev aka Crimson Dynamo.

Such a character would make a perfect villain for the film; rather than a madman aiming for world domination, apatriotic solider who feels betrayed by a former ally. To make things even better, cast Game of Thrones' Kristofer Hivju as Turgenev.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.