10 Modern Movie Soundtracks That Are Better Than The Film

4. Super 8


Alongside Hans Zimmer, Michael Giacchino is one of our greatest composers currently working. When it was announced that he would be taking over for John Williams on the Jurassic World score, that made complete sense, because in a lot of ways he's kind of like the new Williams.

His score for Super 8 was great evidence of that, and for a movie that so clearly tried to emulate Spielberg, the soundtrack very clearly calls back to some of the best of John Williams.

The score during the action set-pieces is pretty good, but where it really shines is during the film's more poignant moments. This is probably the only movie that might make you tear up before the film itself even begins. Giacchino's score plays over the opening logos and main title, and it's so nostalgic and beautiful that anyone who grew up with classic Spielberg movies is immediately hit with a wave of emotions.

Then of course there's the track Letting Go, kind of reminiscent both in title and sound of Moving On, the final song from Lost. This is from the closing moments of the movie, which mostly plays out with no dialogue. 

At least 80% of the effectiveness of this sequence comes down to this soundtrack, which is sad but expressing feelings of catharsis and of finally letting go and moving on.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.