The movie: Teenager Jamie is introduced to his mother's latest boyfriend John Bunting (Daniel Henshall) and soon finds his life taking an increasingly dark turn, as Bunting's uncompromising homophobia and aggression becomes increasingly apparent. Before long he finds himself caught up in a web of torture, murder and paranoia as Bunting's psychopathic tendencies spiral out of control. What makes it a potential cult classic: The expression "based on true events" is bandied around frequently in the movies, but this depiction of the real-life murders carried out by Bunting and his coerced associates is one of the most chilling screen portrayals of a serial killer ever made. A precedent for a cult movie along similar lines might be Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer, based more loosely on the crimes of Henry Lucas. Snowtown's real achievement is its fly-on-the-wall approach, which exaggerates the relentlessly ugly and grim events and makes for genuinely uncomfortable viewing.