10 Moments When Marvel Movie Villains Proved They Weren't All Bad

4. Jean Grey Begs To Die (X-Men: The Last Stand)

It goes without saying to anyone familiar with the X-Men that Jean is essentially a good character. That said, in X-Men: The Last Stand, the nature of the Phoenix part of her personality is different to the comic book depiction in that it's basically just an evil alter-ego, as opposed to a universe-threatening cosmic entity possessing her. She is presented as Magneto's big gun in the movie - a villainous threat who serves as the master of magnetism's main weapon against human kind - and, as such, obliterates everything around her with her matter-destroying powers in the movie's climatic battle - thus it is left to Wolverine to bring the destruction to an end. He approaches Phoenix and tries to talk her down, but it is too late, Jean is unable to take control and can't stop the destruction. However, there is enough of Jean coming through for her to ask Wolverine to "save her" - which is essentially her asking Wolverine to kill her to stop the evil she is doing - which he does, albeit with a very heavy heart.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.