10 More Actors Tricked Into Appearing In Movies

4. John Cusack Felt "Used" By The Director - Better Off Dead

X-Men The Last Stand Halle Berry
Warner Bros.

Even though 1985's black comedy Better Off Dead was a critical and commercial success, lead actor John Cusack wasn't too happy with how it turned out.

In a 2004 interview with The Sneeze, writer-director Savage Steve Holland revealed that he screened the film for the cast and crew prior to release, only for Cusack to walk out after 20 minutes and never return.

But Cusack and Holland were already shooting another film, One Crazy Summer, at the time, and so the next morning Cusack walked up to Holland and said:

"You tricked me. Better Off Dead was the worst thing I have ever seen. I will never trust you as a director ever again, so don't speak to me."

Holland added that Cusack was "really upset", said that the director "sucked," had "used" Cusack, and made a fool out of him, much to Holland's shocked dismay.

Though Holland remains mystified about precisely why Cusack thinks he was tricked into the film, Cusack himself addressed his thoughts on Better Off Dead in a 2013 Reddit AMA, yet was decidedly more diplomatic on the matter, saying:

"I just thought it could have been better but I think that about almost all my films. I have nothing against the film... Glad people love it still."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.