10 More Actors Tricked Into Appearing In Movies

2. Halle Berry Was Lured In With A Fake Script - X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men The Last Stand Halle Berry

While X-Men fans fully expected Halle Berry to return for the third X-Men movie, it certainly wasn't a sure thing during development, with Matthew Vaughn recently revealing in an interview at New York City Comic-Con that the actress was ultimately duped into appearing in the threequel.

When Vaughn was circling the director's chair for the movie, he visited a Fox executive's office and saw a script for X-Men 3, which began with Berry's Storm creating a thunderstorm to save African children from dying of thirst.

Vaughn, intrigued, asked the executive about the script and was told that this was actually the "Halle Berry script" - effectively a dummy script created to entice Berry to sign onto the movie, after which it would be tossed in the bin.

And evidently, that's precisely what happened, as X-Men: The Last Stand featured no such scene set in Africa, but it came at the cost of losing Vaughn as director, who said:

"I thought, if you're going to do that to an Oscar-winning actress who plays Storm, I quit."

Berry hasn't ever spoken publicly about the matter, but it's fair to assume she wasn't at all happy about the studio taking such calculated measures to secure her involvement.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.