10 More Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

5. Robert De Niro And Mickey Rourke

Stephen Merchant Ricky Gervais
Tri-Star Pictures

There was a time when Mickey Rourke classed the legendary Robert De Niro as someone he looked up to. But that all changed when the former finally came face-to-face with his idol whilst the two were working on 1987's Angel Heart.

As Rourke would recall during an interview on an Italian TV Show (via USA Today), De Niro decided very early on that the two shouldn't talk to one another whilst shooting on the flick; something that upset the eventual star of The Wrestler.

From that moment on, Rourke claimed that he "looked through" the icon who also preferred not to be touched by him during a scene in the movie.

Rourke also claimed in that same interview that he lost out on a role in Martin Scorsese's The Irishman due to De Niro not wanting to work with him again. Though the Raging Bull actor's rep would quickly dispute those claims (via PageSix), stating how a conversation with The Irishman's producers and casting director revealed Rourke had never been "discussed or considered to be in the movie".

Whether De Niro did block Rourke's involvement in Scorsese's epic gangster flick or not, though, the end result is still the same: these two almost certainly won't be locking eyes in front of a movie camera again.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...