10 More Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

4. Ryan Reynolds And Wesley Snipes

Stephen Merchant Ricky Gervais
New Line Cinema

Before he was slicing his way through bad guys with his two swords and various razor-sharp quips as Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds appeared in another superhero franchise by the name of Blade.

And while the upcoming Deadpool 3 could seemingly see a number of Marvel characters from other universes pop up in the flick also starring Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Jennifer Garner's Elektra, it doesn't seem all that likely that a Blade reunion will go down in the upcoming MCU project.

Back when Reynolds and Wesley Snipes appeared in Blade: Trinity together, things were a little tense between the pair.

The star who helped Blade take down vampires as Hannibal King told IGN that, while he respected his method acting approach, he could tell that Snipes hated him and even managed to ad-lib that real-life tension between the two into the film.

Unsurprisingly, when asked by Première magazine if he'd ever fancy joining forces with Snipes again for another Blade adventure, Reynolds quickly shot down the idea, saying he simply didn't care about the character enough to return as Hannibal and openly admitting he'd tell Snipes himself "sorry, no" if asked to go full Hannibal in a film with him again.

But who knows, maybe Deadpool will collide with the MCU's Blade, Mahershala Ali, in the coming years instead...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...