10 More Amazing Roles Ruined By Terrible Acting

3. Tom Holland (Nathan Drake) - Uncharted

Predators Royce Adrien Brody
Sony Pictures Releasing

Make no mistake, Tom Holland is definitely a terrific actor.

His work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Peter Parker/Spider-Man alone has consistently shown off his range as a performer, proving himself a strong comedic and dramatic talent during his six outings as Spidey so far. But while the British star being brought in as Parker turned out to be a superb bit of casting, Holland wasn't quite as perfect a fit for another action icon.

Fans were already a little concerned about the idea of the young actor stepping into the shoes of the witty and rugged treasure hunter Nathan Drake before even taking in the big-screen adaptation of Uncharted. And they were right to be.

Holland puts in a decent shift as he survives many a perilous situation, falling out of planes and hanging onto lighting fixtures for dear life. But his younger version of Drake still just ends up largely feeling like he's one web thwip away from being Peter Parker throughout, disappointingly lacking a lot of the swagger and charm that made Nathan such a video game icon in the first place.

The movie still ended up making a strong amount at the box office, though, so at least it looks like Holland will get another bite of this particular apple when a sequel inevitably arrives in the coming years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...