10 More Awkward Moments That Must Have Happened After Famous Movies

9. Cage Has To Explain Their Relationship To Rita - Edge Of Tomorrow

Warrior movie
Warner Bros.

Throughout the unexpectedly awesome sci-fi hit that was Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise's Major William Cage routinely finds himself returning to a distinct moment in time after being killed by aliens on the battlefield. It's later revealed that (SPOILER!) Emily Blunt's Rita Vrataski once shared this ability too, opening the door for the decorated solider to train the useless vessel for the ultimate mission.

Ultimately, Cage is successful in besting the big bad alien foes in the end. However, this victory came at a price. He's no longer able to loop back in time upon being dispatched, and Rita, having not trained Cage, experienced the triumphant moments leading up to him saving the world, or taken part in the passionate kiss the two shared moments before during this particular timeline, with no clue as to who this dude even is.

It may have resulted in a humorous closing line as Rita wondered what this smiling idiot wanted with her, but the moments that followed would've likely been filled with a loved-up Cage trying to convince a person with absolutely no memory of a crackling relationship that they were well on their way to falling in love.

Better him than me.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...