10 More Best 'I'm Dead and I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

2. Chambers - Army Of The Dead

Sunshine Cillian Murphy Death

In Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead, nobody gets quite as awesome a death as Chambers (Samantha Win). Midway through the movie, she ends up separated from the rest of the group and finds herself surrounded by a seemingly never-ending horde of awakening zombies.

Though Chambers put up one hell of a fight in the early going, she's eventually overcome by the undead, and after being bitten has no illusions about what's coming next. 

She tells the others to run, but pal Guzman (Raúl Castillo) instead stands his ground and raises his gun in her direction. As she's being mauled among the undead throng, she gives Guzman the sly nod and he shoots the fuel tank strapped to her back.

Once the bullet hits the tank, Chambers gets a few scant seconds to soak in the gravity of what's about to happen, before she's vaporised in a fireball along with all the zombies in the area.

Though it's a shame a character as badass as Chambers didn't last longer, she at least went out in style.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.