10 More Best Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

7. The Worms Seemingly Speaking Huttese - Men In Black

Men in Black Worms Star Wars

Humans aren't exactly the only species found wandering around the likes of Tatooine and Coruscant, with the many different aliens of Star Wars also having their own cultures and languages, too.

But did you know that one of said non-Basic languages actually found its way into another beloved science fiction franchise?

Remember those hilarious Annelids seen in the Men in Black series? How could you forget them? Well, these Worm Guys actually seem to speak the exact same language as one of the most famous villains in Star Wars: Jabba the Hutt.

The words spoken by the charismatic little chain-smokers in the famous scene when Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) introduces Agent J (Will Smith) to the aliens sound very much like Huttese, right?

Now it is worth noting that Brad Abrell, the actor who brought these comical voices to life, has gone out of his way to state (via Inverse) that "the language is not an offshoot of Huttese." But come on, when listening to both languages back-to-back, the Huttese influence is there for all to hear.

Whether you choose to believe this is little more than an Internet rumour/theory or there is a genuine Star Wars connection here, one thing everyone can agree on is the fact that coffee breaks don't come more memorable than this Wormy hit of caffeine.



Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...