10 More Best Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

6. Some Quite Recognisable Bar Music - Paul

Men in Black Worms Star Wars
Universal Pictures

Similarly to Shawn Levy, it's not exactly a secret that best pals Simon Pegg and Nick Frost absolutely adore Star Wars.

So, it wasn't all that surprising to see that the pair's movie, Paul, a film about a pair of sci-fi lovers who end up finding an actual alien, boasted its fair share of references to this iconic galaxy.

Along with Jason Bateman's Special Agent Zoil delivering a Solo-esque "boring conversation anyway," Frost's Clive fancying someone dressed as an Ewok, and Pegg's Graeme wearing a The Empire Strikes Back shirt, there's also one more terrific nod that goes down in a bar.

As the gang wander into the boozer about halfway through the picture, a song every Star Wars fan on planet Earth (and even those who aren't) will recognise is being played by the band on stage; the catchy tune that was first played in the Mos Eisley Cantina, a.k.a. "Mad About Me" by the legends that are Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes.

Similarly to that scene in 1977's Star Wars, a scuffle eventually breaks out in this bar, too. What are the odds?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...