10 More Best Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

5. Gary Uses A Mind Trick - Team America: World Police

Men in Black Worms Star Wars

Just before that aforementioned Cantina band can be heard blasting out their greatest hit in 1977's Star Wars, a certain Obi-Wan Kenobi could be seen successfully performing a Jedi mind trick on an Imperial stormtrooper.

Clearly inspired by that very moment, R-rated puppet comedy Team America: World Police eventually opted to absurdly use the Force in a similar way throughout the movie, and many a chuckle was had.

Firstly, you have Sarah Wong (Masasa Moyo), a member of the team who is also a top empath and someone capable of being able to convince panthers to turn on Danny Glover and Sean Penn using only the power of her mind. 

It's as gloriously ridiculous as it sounds, and not too dissimilar to a Jedi mind trick.

In a more on-the-nose homage to Star Wars, though, actor Gary Johnston (Trey Parker) also gets past a set of guards by performing a masterful hand-wave and letting them know "you don't need to see my credentials."

Just like Obi-Wan, Gary's mind trick/acting power works a treat, and he wanders right on past the easily fooled security team whilst sporting his own Jedi cloak. The less said about the offensive Korean accents, the better, though.

That always welcome Cantina banger also shows up in the feature (sort of), with a song that sounds just like it is being played in the hideout Gary enters earlier in the story.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...