10 More Best Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

4. More Than A Few Star Wars Nods - Ready Player One

Men in Black Worms Star Wars
Warner Bros.

Another example of Steven Spielberg respectfully paying tribute to his pal's game-changing galaxy, his Ready Player One movie is one that contains more than a few delightful Star Wars nods and mentions.

Said wonderful references come in all shapes and sizes in this pop culture Easter egg-stuffed trip into the OASIS, too.

There's the fact that Mark Rylance's James Halliday, or rather his avatar Anorak, refers to Parzival (Tye Sheridan) as a "Padawan" after winning the first key that will help unlock the gate to the golden Easter egg. Then you also have the presence of a good ol' X-Wing and Lamda-class shuttle heading towards The Distracted Globe nightclub.

The super rare Millennium Falcon is also something that CEO of Innovative Online Industries, Nolan Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn), mentions when attempting to bribe Parzival to help IOI get the aforementioned egg. 

Parzival's holster even looks like Han Solo's.

Now sure, none of these mentions, items, and appearances have that much of an impact on the story itself, but just hearing the mention of iconic spaceships and the use of distinctly Star Wars terms in a film that also boasts the Iron Giant and Mechagodzilla will never not bring a smile to your face.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...