10 More Best Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

3. Happy Sees His Own Force Spirits - Happy Gilmore

Men in Black Worms Star Wars
Happy Maddison

Episode VI - Return of the Jedi concludes with one of the most powerful shots of the entire Skywalker Saga, with Luke Skywalker acknowledging the Force spirits of a trio of super important figures; his father Anakin Skywalker, and former masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda.

In what appeared to be a little nod towards that heartwarming end to the original trilogy, Adam Sandler's also quite beloved Happy Gilmore ended in a similar way.

Instead of the golfing sensation looking off to the side and seeing a ghostly collection of legendary Jedi, though, Happy's eyes a drawn to a vision of the late, great Carl Weathers' "Chubbs" Peterson, the alligator who bit off Chubs' hand, was killed by Happy and whose head inadvertently caused Peterson's death... and Abe Lincoln.

The three deceased icons all happily wave at Gilmore after he successfully wins back his grandmother's home, bringing this comedic tale to an uplifting (albeit slightly surreal) end in a way that both cheekily poked fun at and simultaneously paid tribute to that awesome Episode VI ending.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...