10 More Brilliant Horror Movie Monsters You Were Completely Unprepared For

3. The Pale Man - Pan's Labyrinth

Pan's Labyrinth was already fairly scary by the time we get to meet the Pale Man, but it goes into full on horror territory when our unfortunate protagonist Ofelia crosses his path.

The one rule to avoid being devoured by this child-eating nightmare beast is to not eat any of the food he's hoarding. Simple right? Well not for Ofelia, who gives into temptation despite every molecule in her body screaming at her not to. It's almost as if there was some sort of hypnotic draw coming from him driving her to indulge in the very thing that could lead to her doom.

So what exactly makes the Pale Man so chilling? Well, plenty of things, but mainly it's just the way he looks. For those who have seen Pan's Labyrinth, you know what I'm talking about. For those who haven't on the other hand, let's just say that he makes Slenderman look cute and cuddly by comparison.

He is truly one guy you do not want to cross in a dark alley.


Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.