10 More Devastating Horror Movie Deaths You Couldn't Look Away From

9. Adam - Black Water

Old Chrystal
AV Pictures

Black Water is an absolute hidden gem of a horror movie. The 2007 Australian horror production sees sisters Lee and Grace - as well as Grace's husband Adam - stranded in the mangroves, after their boat is up-ended and their guide viciously killed by a gargantuan saltwater crocodile.

The unfortunate group are left trapped in the mangrove trees as the ferocious reptile cruises silently through the titular black waters beneath them. The upended boat is just a short swim away from them - if they don't mind the prospect of being dragged under water by a breed of apex predator so formidable that it survived the K-T Extinction.

After an attempt to get to the boat and an escape fails, Adam bravely (stupidly?) takes matters into his own hands. The most horrifying thing about the sequence that follows is the fact that Adam appears to have achieved his goal against all odds. After uprighting the boat, he leans against the side of it, only to be instantly be attacked by the crocodile. Grace's anguished moans are absolutely harrowing ("come up" she desperately pleads to her husband after watching him disappear under the water.)

Adam does come back up, but decidedly not in the manner Grace was hoping for. The dead eyed reptilian resurfaces with Adam's corpse in its mouth, leering evilly at the sobbing sisters before disappearing silently into the murky depths.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.